Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Dongeng Berbahasa Inggris

Willem and Irene 
Hundreds years ago, in an abandoned village which was located in North Netherland, there lived Hendrik’s and Jansen’s families. Jansen’s familly had a daughter named Irene and Hendrik’s had a son named Willem. Willem and Irene were dilligent kids. Willem always helped his father repairing some broken nets. Irene always helped her mother who was food seller on the beach. Like most of another villagers did, Mr. Jansen and Mr. Hendrik made their living by sailing.
One day, Willem and Irene were waiting for their fathers around the pier. One by one, the fishermans arrived and their families welcomed them. The beautiful morning turned into a windy day. Irene and Willem hadn’t seen any signs that their fathers were coming.
Irene decided to ask a fisherman “Excuse me Sir, did you see our fathers?”
“Oh yes, I did. I saw them in the middle of sea. I think they’re going to north. They said that they wanted to catch more tunas” answered the fisherman.
Seeing the dark sky above her, Irene became silent. She was scared till her knees became weak and she fell down on her knees.
“Oh Daddy” She cried.
“Hey, Don’t worry, Irene” amused Willem “They will be okay”
“Look above, Willem! Can’t you see the dark sky?” Irene cried even more “What if they’re trapped on storm and their boat is drown? Oh, I wish I could help them.”
“Of course we could help our fathers”
“Really? How?” Asked Irene.
“We can pray”  Answered Willem so certainly.
Irene looked at Willem so deeply, “Would God listen to our pray?”
“Of course, Irene. Because  God leads evertyhing. We have to pray so that God will make  those clouds dissapear and the wind will be still”
Then, they knelt and prayed to God so devoulty. Suddenly, the dark clouds dissapeared, and  the wind became still. A momment later, a boat came up.
“Look! That’s our fathers!” Said Irene.
She was right, that was their fathers’s boat. The two kids were so happy. They ran up and hugged they beloved fathers.
Wow, their fathers brought so many tunas! One of them was a giant tuna. No one had ever caught such a giant tuna before. Mr. Jansen and Mr. Hendrik were so blessed. They taught they would be trapped on strom, but suddenly everything went right like something magic happened. Irene and Willem just smiled.
They brought their giant tuna to the fish market and a young men was interested and bought that giant tuna.
“I am going to hold a party tonight” Said the young men. “Will you guys join, and eat this giant tuna together?”
Jansen’s and Hendrik’s accepted the invitation. Mrs. Jansen offered herself to cook the food. Willem and Irene cleaned the tuna. While cleaning the inside of tuna, a glare stuff fell down, Irene  put it.
“OMG! What a beautiful ring it is!” Irene was astonished “It must be so expensive! I really want to own it”
“No, Irene! Don’t!” said Willem “This ring was inside the tuna which has been bought by that young men. So it is his, not ours! Let’s bring it back to him”
Immediatly, they gave the diamond ring to the young men. He was amazed, “Supposed these kids didn’t give it to me, I wouldnt even know that there was a diamond ring inside my tuna. They’re so amazing” Said the young men to his self.
Then, he took off his coat which was covering his royal outfits. Apparently, he was Prince Gregory who was disguising in abandoned place.
He smiled, “You two are honest kids” He said, “I really appreciate it. Tommorow, I would love to take you, Willem, to the palace. You’ll be my private guard. And Irene, My mother is always wishing for a daughter. Will you be my sister?”
And then, because of their honesty, Irene and Willem lived happily in the palace ever after.

Moral value : “Be honest everytime and everywhere”

Cerita diatas saya terjemahkan dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris untuk memenuhi nilai Bahasa Inggris saya.

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Hasil Karya

Jadi aku udah bikin cerita abal abal sejak masih makan bangku SD yang banyak coretan tip-X nya. ceritanya tentang sekumpulan anak muda yang diikutin hantu di tour mereka. aku ambil ceritanya sih asal asalan ajah, judulnya DEVIL JEALOUS.

Ceritanya tentang 10 anak muda yang berhasil masuk ke perguruan tinggi yang mereka pingin. 10 anak muda itu adalah Citra, Erlan, Dysta, Mufied, Edya, Aldi, Sheilla, Fathir, Gilbran, dan Michella. mereka semua berpacaran kecuali Michella dan Gilbran. Hal itu mebuat 8 anak lainya menggoda mereka untuk jujur bahwa mereka suka satu sama lain.

Citra usul bagaimana jika mereka bersepuluh merayakan keberhasilan mereka di Semarang. dan akhirnya semua setuju. Sampai di Semarang, Gilbran menyatakan cinta-nya ke Michella, dan saat itu lah mulai banyak kejadian aneh yang mereka dapati.
wokeh, itu aja deh penjelasanya, tapi jujur aja, setelah 2 tahun menunggu, aku belum nyelesein cerita itu. Jadi  liburan ini aku mau nyelesein nulis, tapi tentu aja banyak bagian yang dirubah dongse.

See ya!!

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Pendapat Ane Tentang Naiknya BBM

Aku setuju tentang kenaikan BBM di Indonesia karena BBM di Indonesia udah kelewat murah (Rp.4500) bukan bermaksud sombong atau apa, karena aku juga enggak kaya :P. Alesanya itu :
1. Uang negara yang buat subsidi BBM bisa buat pendidikan dll.
2. Harganya wajar, gak terlalu murah :p

Itu aja alesanya, karena ane bukan pemikir pemikir berat yang bisa nemuin alesan alesa yang lebih dalem hehe.
Pesan aku, (Bukanya menggurui nih ya) Jangan minta ini kalo gak mau BBM naik.
1. Sekolah Gratis.
    Ah, sampe sekarang mana janji pendidikan gratis?! Maaf ajeh, duitnya kepake buat nyubsidiin BBM dari 12.000 ke 4500.
2. Biaya Kesehatan Murah
   Ah, terlalu mahal! katanya kesehatan dijamin? Jawaban ane sama kaya yang diatas.
Udahlah, males nulis panjang lebar. Nih langsung aja ada pesan dari sodara kita di Papua
Udah dibaca? Malu apa enggak? Terharu engga? Hehehe

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Dilema Idola :P

Jaman ini tuh cewek cewek pada ngefans sama Suju ato Justin Bieber.
Kalo aku sih engga suka duanya. Tapi nggak berarti Hater loh ye. Gak percaya? Buka aja fb gue, liat tuh gue nge like page mereka. alesanya adalah karena sohib sohib gue nyukain mereka, mau liat fotonya? ok!
itu yang pake baju warna ee Tania, dia yang tergila gila sama Suju, trus aku, yang gila setengah mampus sama A7x, sebelahnya lagi Oris yang tergila gila sama JB. By the way muka gue ya yang paling suram haha.
Eah, kita beda beda. Paling poker face itu pas Tania cerita tentang SuJu terus, itu kerasa kaya suara masuk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan. Ya abis gimana, personil SuJu itu banyak broh! yang gue tau cuma Sindong. Lahgian nama orang Korea itu susah dihapalin menurut ane.
By the way, kalo Oris lagi cerita tentang JB, gue sama Citra kayak buang muka gitudeh. Jujur aja, dulu kita bertiga suka sama JB. Tapi lama lama engga deh, rada aneh si JB.

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Tujuan Broh

Tadi malem sebernya aku dah posting, tapi karena sesuatu jadi kehapus deh. tadi malem aku nulis tuh tentang tujuan blog. aku bikin blog terinpirasi dari mister Anton, guru fenomenal di sekolah hehe.
tapi aku sendiri sih belum tau tujuan aku nge blog. Aku sih sering liat blogger indonesia nulis tentang review make up. Tapi jujur aja aku jijik liatnya, kalo orangnya cantik sih engga jijik hahaha. :D
akhirnya tadi malem aku SMSan sama sahabat terbaik, namanya Citra. Ini nih fotonya, aku yang ada poninya, dia gak ada. Cantik ya? yaiya, temen gue gitu
Jadi aku tanya ke dia blognya mau diisi apa. Katanya diisi cerita aja, yaudah wkwk
Udah gitu aja bro.
By the way sekarang hari ultahnya Pak Soekarno!!! Semoga lahir Soekarno Soekarno baru! Amiin